About Director DavidCow
牛拍業CowFilms主腦人DavidCow 張天行 。
廣告片品牌包括:弘揚香港「亞洲國際都會」形象,獲周潤發、李雲廸等具代表性人物親身演繹的《香港品牌》、恆生銀行(2014年度所有電視廣告,信用咭宣傳除外)、花旗銀行、滙豐銀行(中國)上海、大新銀行、星展銀行、太陽金融、實得金融、UA財務(2011-12年度全部作品)、GIC環球信貸、Cigna Insurance、美國萬通Mass Mutual Insurance、樓盤Soho189及玖瓏山的嘉里物業、新鴻基地產、長江地產、信和地產、周大福珠寶、Anumi護膚品牌、雅詩蘭黛、必勝客、飛利浦、Bella、麥當奴、由張學友代言的2013年香港旅遊發展局電視廣告及2013古天樂參與演出的醉逍遙廣告等。迄今影像作品逾過百之多。
《香港品牌 - 見面見香港》更榮獲香港廣告商會2010金帆獎最佳攝影優異獎,且為該年度唯一攝影獎項之得獎電視廣告。香港花旗銀行尤其賞識他的創意,特別邀請他為設計總監,為四間旗艦店以一系列多媒體形式改造銀行店鋪形象,當中當然包括他的導作,更為花旗奪得多個2012國際獎項及金獎,令張天行的創意進一步獲得業界認同。
After graduating from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where he majored in Graphic Design, David entered the advertising field and started in the art direction area. He has worked for a number of 4As agencies over the years (1998-2007), including Saatchi & Saatchi, Young & Rubicam, McCann Erickson, FCB Worldwide and TWBA. While many fine artists/designers/directors by training often give up on their formal practice once they enter a field that typically ‘commercialized’ art, David insists on retaining a high level of originality and autonomy. His philosophy is exemplified through the regular publishing of his work and art exhibitions that take place almost every year as he was in advertising companies, all aimed at reaching out to a broader mass audience through art.
David started to build another vision from the time of 2006 to freeze his advertising career and went to the New York Film Academy to study film making and directing which was a step towards being a director. His directing career finally was run at the end of the year of 2008. His works are fruitful from his art direction to see things, his creativity on concept and strategy from the experience in advertising field. His works include worldwide branding commercials to music videos to web media clips. They are shown different styles in sequential images in elegant, broad-view, or even surreal, comical and arty forms.
David has taken a leaping step to be a moving-image director in advertising field and music video field in Hong Kong within these years, and in stage performance multi-media category as well. His directing works are profound with worldwide clients like "Brand Hong Kong" which promotes Hong Kong as a dynamic, modern city featuring familiar faces like Chow Yun-Fat and Yundi Li, and Hang Seng Bank (all TV commercials in 2014 except Credit Card Promotion TVC), HSBC (Shanghai), Citibank, GIC, Cigna Insurance, Mass Mutual Insurance, eBay, Estee Lauder, Pizza Hut, Philips, Bella, McDonald’s, and branding TVCs for Success Finance and Sun International Finance Group, etc. While some of the works are displayed in all over the world, his station is broadened from Hong Kong to Mainland China and Thailand. "Brand Hong Kong - Faces of Hong Kong" also won a merit of Best Cinematography Kam Fan Award from the Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong in 2010. Being invited to be the chief art consultant for Citibank, David utilized mixed media and multimedia to re-brand the four flagship shop-branches which being recognized by winning some international awards in 2012. His unique creativity has aroused talks of the town in the media.
2013 - Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Innovation and Creativity
2012 - APEC Worldwide Award - Best Use of Retail Marketing - GOLD Prize for Citibank Retail Campaign
2012 - Marketing Excellence award
- BRONZE award from Marketing Magazine for Citibank Retail Campaign
2012 - Nikon 1 - Nikon Asia endorsement - One of Asian professional Influencers
2010 - Hong Kong 4As Kam Fan Award - Best Cinematography MERIT - Brand HK "Faces of Hong Kong"